The SWS archive


Outside of a NEWS ARTICLE, sometimes the best way to capture the moment is via the medium of FILM, other times it may be a PODCAST and occasionally we produce content that doesn’t fit neatly into any category, we call that OTHER STUFF. Everything listed below has appeared in the NEWS section, however here’s a quick and ongoing ARCHIVE to all we make and do allowing you to spend more time messing about with boats.

Articles published on SWS fall under the following categories.
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We love making films and as It turns out, Our readers love watching them.

Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening over on our SOUTHERN WOODENBOAT SAILING
YouTube Channel
- check it out and make sure to SUBSCRIBE.


Four blokes talk about sharing a passion for YVONNE, yet another Tum.

118,000 views and climbing. Chuffed by this. Watch out for Part 2.

Oh, please can we go back to last summer aboard the Margaret Pearl?

Celebrating women making bold choices.